Salon Services
Hair Services
- Ladies Hair Cut Short Hair 65
1 hour
Women Hair Cut includes: Shampoo, Conditioner, BlowOut
Add Curling Iron: 1h 15min | $5
Add Flat Iron: 1h 15min | $5 - Ladies Hair Cut Long Hair 70
1 hour
Women Hair Cut includes: Shampoo, Conditioner, BlowOut
Add Curling Iron: 1h 15min | $5
Add Flat Iron: 1h 15min | $5 - Men's Hair Cut $30
40 mins : Hair Cut, includes Shampoo, Conditioner, BlowOut
- Special Occasion Hair $110
1 hour : Please come with hair dry + clean unless a blow dry appointment is made prior to the up-do appointment. Blow dry will be charged separately
- Blow Dry - Short Hair $35
1 hour
- Blow Dry - Long Hair $45
1 hour
- Back Bar Hair Treatments and Masks $20
30 mins
- Perms From: $120
45min - 1h
- Baby Highlights $35
30min - 1h : Includes Shampoo and Conditioner. Glaze is highly recommended with Highlights. * Baby Highlights is a nice way to introduce yourself to highlights without over committing.
- Face Frame Highlights $45
30min - 1h : Includes Shampoo and Conditioner. Glaze is highly recommended with Highlights.
- Partial Head Highlights $95
30min - 1h : Includes Shampoo and Conditioner. Glaze is highly recommended with Highlights.
- Full Head Highlights $135
30min - 1h : Includes Shampoo and Conditioner. Glaze is highly recommended with Highlights.
- Complete Hair Color Change From: $200
3 hours : Includes Shampoo and Conditioner. This process takes a few steps. Please Note: To ensure the integrity of the hair, additional steps may need to be taken to reach your color objective. $25 or $50 will be added to this service.
- Balayage Medium Length From: $170
45min - 2h 15min : Included Shampoo and Conditioner
- Balayage Long Hair From: $200
45min - 2h 15min : Included Shampoo and Conditioner
- Corrective Color From: $150
2 hours : Cost determined after consultation
- Glaze $25
30 mins : Adds shine + Equalizes consistent color shade from scalp to ends of hair. Includes Shampoo and Conditioner.
- Woman's Hair Coloring - Single Process $65
50min - 1h : Includes: Application, Shampoo, Conditioner.
- Woman's Hair Coloring - Color to ends $75
50min - 1h : Includes: Application, Shampoo, Conditioner.

Make Up
- Day Makeup $75
1 hour
- Bridal Makeup $100
2 hours

- Manicure $15
1 hour
- Pedicure $25
1 hour